fbpx Smoke Machine Night | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋
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Smoke Machine Night

星期六, 二月 1, 2020 - 22:00 ~ 星期日, 二月 2, 2020 - 06:00
當鋪 Pawnshop (Anytime Fitness 旁邊)


- Pawnshop -
Mama Snake

- Downbar -
Andy Chiu
Yoshi Nori

Mama Snake (Amniote) Copenhagen

來自丹麥哥本哈根的醫生,放歌時她化身為蛇,擅用高能量與疾速 Techno 甚至 Trance 的硬蕊節拍,時而下手毒辣、出招痛擊狠絕,渲染滿溢的影像感、饒富流水行雲於無形的趣味,偶爾也流洩復古 90 氛圍旋律,隨意就能讓人眼神迷濛以致難以聚焦,心神抽離抑或整組壞掉。

短短數年橫行歐陸舞池的她,心思與工夫也極縝密,會先研究即將前往的派對、場地、人群以及前後 DJ 思考選曲方向。總能令檯子下頭狂亂騷動的她,一舉一動反而既從容且自在,還有余裕擦拭唱片上的指紋。她也多在訪談著眼過夜遊圈子的(女性)安全議題,觀點強悍且精準,同時建議趴中遠離手機;趴後她試圖冷卻自己的推薦首選則是沙黛。

Snakes are elongated, legless reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all squamates, snakes are amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and on most smaller land masses – the same goes for Mama Snake; a DJ, label owner and junior doctor operating out of Copenhagen, who’s bringing her viperine sounds all around the globe.

Her love of melodic, warm and fast paced sounds has secured a steady following in the world of electronic music and Snake’s no bullshit and fun approach to DJing has brought her to clubs around the world such as Berghain (Berlin, DE), De School (Amsterdam, NL), Corsica Studios (London, UK) and Contact (Tokyo, JP) to name a few as well as several highly respected festivals around the world, with even more exciting adventures ahead for 2018 and onwards – as both a newly hatched doctor and slithering decks controller.

$500 Before 23:00 / $600 After