fbpx 婚權過後職場的平權議題 | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋


星期二, 十月 27, 2020 - 09:00 ~ 18:30
台北世界貿易中心國際貿易大樓2F EYU


🚩 行政院政務委員|唐鳳
🚩 EY Taiwan 安永聯合會計師事務所 日本區營運總監|Mori Kida
🚩 艾斯摩爾全球執行副總裁暨人資長|Peter Bailliere
🚩 比利時台北辦事處副處長|Maxime Ramon
🚩 無任所大使|林靜儀

📆 活動資訊 📆
▪️ 日期:2020/10/27(星期二)
▪️ 時間:09:00 - 18:30
▪️ 地點:台北世界貿易中心國際貿易大樓2樓 安永台灣EYU
▪️ 詳情請看:https://pse.is/w2leh
✔️ 主辦單位: Workplace Pride
✔️ 在地協辦: 台灣同志諮詢熱線協會彩虹平權大平台

Now that same-sex marriage is a fact in Taiwan, the first nation in Asia, what are the implications for the workplace?

How should multinationals, local companies, as well as government and not-for-profit organizations active in the country engage with this topic and with the LGBTI people they employ? How can these stakeholders work together to build on marriage equality in Taiwan and continue its role as a leader for LGBTI inclusion across Asia- this time in the workplace?

This conference entitled, “Taiwan – Trailblazing Diversity & Inclusion and Marriage Equality in Asia – Addressing LGBTI inclusion as part of a sustainable workplace strategy: 27 October 2020”, is being organised against the backdrop of ever-greater diverse and inclusive societies and workplaces. The event will be held at EY’s offices in Taipei who is co-host alongside ASML. Local LGBTI NGO’s, Hotline and Marriage Equality Coalition Taiwan are working closely with Workplace Pride to organise the conference.  

Invitations will be sent out in August, if you are interested in participating or would like more information, please write to [email protected].*


Workplace Pride continues to monitor the situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and will place any updates that affect the conference on our website.