fbpx 11/28 高雄同志大遊行官方續攤派對 PRIDE Saturday | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋

11/28 高雄同志大遊行官方續攤派對 PRIDE Saturday

星期六, 十一月 28, 2020 - 22:00 ~ 星期日, 十一月 29, 2020 - 04:00
Brickyard 紅磚地窖

本活動由 Rainbow Thursday 彩虹星期四、 Brickyard 紅磚地窖主辦


第十一屆同志大遊行:WE AROUND YOU! 官方續攤派對
**2020 KH pride parade official After Party**
白天請加入我們一起去遊行 ♥
🌈全高雄最歡樂的彩虹趴有假日版本 ?!!🌈
紅磚地窖 彩虹星期六歡迎你來玩 ♥
DJ: DJ Matthew a.k.a. MOTB , Kreamer, DJ Puama

👆👆👆👆Free entry sign up here👆👆👆👆

🌈The most FABULOUS rainbow event now has a Saturday version?!!🌈
YASSS girl! Come on over to our monthly Rainbow Saturday event and bring your friends!
🍹Select cocktails 2 for 1 before midnight
💋gorgeous DRAG QUEEN performances!
門票 : 500元/人
Door Cover: 500NT/person
🌈訂位價格 Booth and tables🌈
🍍外場一般桌 1000/桌 (4張椅子)

以上 皆不能抵消費,需於訂位後24小時內付清款項以保留桌位。

🍍Big VIP Booth (up to 15ppl seating) : 5000nt (2 towers)
🍍Small VIP booth(up to 9ppl seating): 4000nt (1 tower)
🍍Table charge: 1000/table

Payment needs to be made within 24hrs after reservation in order to keep reservation.

For reservation, please message our Brickyard fan page or call the number below:
訂位請私訊紅磚粉絲專頁 或撥打 07-2150024