fbpx Register as Vendor or User | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋

Register to Sell (Vendor)Register to Buy (Member)

What is Taiwan Queer Guide?
Taiwan Queer Guide is a multi-purpose web platform aiming to integrate the pink economy in Taiwan. At Taiwan Queer Guide, you can find directory to all the LGBT-friendly shops and services, many of which are owned by LGBT personnels. Other than goods and services, you can also find all new and updated LGBT events that are happening in Taiwan. If you are travelling to Taiwan, we also provide you with travel tips, what to do and the best places to go, to ensure that you have an amazing gay experience in Taiwan.
We thank you and rely heavily on your support, all the spendings you make on Taiwan Queer Guide, goes back directly into the local LGBT economy.
Why become a Seller on Taiwan Queer Guide
  1. Focus on LGBT audience, attract the right customers

    The majority of our target audience are local and foreign LGBT members, they come to Taiwan Queer Guide specifically looking for friendly vendors and gay or lesbian related products. We are a specific and strong market opportunity.

  2. We hold diverse promotional events to increase seller's brand

    Taiwan Queer Guide will host or co-produce or sponsor various of LGBT-related events, there will be many opportunities to expose your products or services.

  3. Easy seller interface to let you manage your shop or products

    You can open your own shop, put up products all on your own with our easy user interface, and if you run into any trouble, we have real people available to help you.

How does Taiwan Queer Guide charge

It is FREE to create a shop and put up products or services on Taiwan Queer Guide, we want you to be found by our buyers, but in order to sustain our platform, we will charge the following :

Transactional Service Charge:For each successful transactional order, we charge the seller a service charge (including "platform management fee","transaction fee", and "tax".

Transactional Service Charge Calculation:(Price + Shipping) * (following service charge rate)%

  Regular Seller Registered NGO(Non-profit Organization)
Successful Transation
Service Charge Rate
10% 5%
Paid Events (Physical Events)
Service Charge
8% 5%
Free Events (Physical Events)
Service Charge
0% 0%

當訂單成立商品售出時,所有營收會全數進入 台灣酷蓋 公司帳戶,台灣酷蓋 於商家管理平台上提供營收報表,商家可隨時登入查詢。每月一號至月底「已付款且已出貨訂單」的營收會於次月十號結算,並於次月二十號(遇假日順延)扣除成交管理費,匯至商家指定帳戶。匯款後,台灣酷蓋 會開立成交管理費電子發票寄送至指定的電子郵件信箱。

為了加速匯款速度,匯款業務委託銀行代為處理,於每月匯款時酌收 NT$30 的匯款手續費;若該月營收扣除 台灣酷蓋 成交管理費未達 NT$1,000,台灣酷蓋 不會匯款,待營收累積超過 NT$1,000 後我們再一次匯出,以節省匯款手續費。



  1. 彩虹商品/服務:專為男同志/女同志/雙性戀/直同志 設計之商品或服務。
  2. 同志友善理念:認同多元、性別平權、人人平等的價值。


管理方式 在註冊商家頁面填完基本資料後,由商家自行架設商家(招牌、運費等設定)、準備並上架商品圖文、回覆客服、管理訂單及出貨(含開立發票)。
網路客服 自行管理
合約簽立 當商家至網站完成台灣酷蓋商家的註冊並同意服務條款後,即完成電子合約簽立。
出貨方式 自行出貨
曝光機會 台灣酷蓋可與商家合作進行各種合作模式,如: 付費廣告機制,首頁、活動頁及Facebook 粉絲頁曝光、聯合舉辦活動。請洽[email protected]
收費方式 費用細節請參照「台灣酷蓋 如何收費」。
退換貨 依照 台灣酷蓋 網站規範自行辦理。
營收報表 台灣酷蓋 提供營收報表供設計師隨時登入商家管理平台即時查詢。
匯款日期 營收週期為每月一日至當月最後一日。台灣酷蓋 在次月二十號將營收扣除成交管理費及金流手續費,匯至設計師指定帳戶。例如:五月的營收,六月二十號匯給商家(遇假日順延)。
  1. 開始註冊

    在 台灣酷蓋 開立商家只需要在註冊時填好所有需要的資訊。

  2. 商家設定


  3. 商品上架



台灣酷蓋 嚴禁私下交易或上架違反 台灣酷蓋 商品販售政策 的商品,請珍惜 台灣酷蓋 經營此平台的用心!我們希望跟商家的合作皆是以彼此信任作基礎,我們很尊重商家,也誠摯的希望每一位商家能夠正視我們團隊的努力,與經營網站所付出的龐大投資。台灣酷蓋 隨時歡迎商家的想法與建議,讓我們一起變得更好!