fbpx 跟 ANIKI 執行長一起玩 Playing with ANIKI's CEO | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋

跟 ANIKI 執行長一起玩 Playing with ANIKI's CEO

Event time: 
Saturday, August 15, 2020 - 16:00 to 18:00
Event location address: 
ANIKI World of Wonders
Taipei City大同區寧夏路11號B1

本活動由ANIKI World of Wonders主辦


ANIKI 執行長、傳奇代言人 Cum Cruise 將現身活動現場與大家一起互動,歡迎親身體驗。

ANIKI's CEO & spokesperson, legendary Cum Cruise will present on site. Help yourself, and enjoy him as you wish!