fbpx 10/25 桃園 擁抱多元性別 Embrace Gender Diversity | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋

10/25 桃園 擁抱多元性別 Embrace Gender Diversity

Event time: 
Sunday, October 25, 2020 - 12:30 to 16:00
Event location address: 
Taoyuan County大園鄉中山南路286巷15號

很高興有機會邀請到台灣同志諮詢熱線協會的KID 許家瑋老師,和我們一起到桃園睦祥育幼院!English below!

讓孩子們對於多元性別的議題有多一分認識,也將和大家一起進行手作活動🥰 我們也安排了心型指印餅乾烘焙活動,藉此去感受——即使我們彼此不一樣,每個人都擁有愛的能力。

講師:許家瑋 https://brightside.tw/helping-hands-kid-shiu/

時間:2020/10/25 (日)
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/XrT9wWi6pEjgtmiUA


1) 付款連結:https://bit.ly/3lIR8Oi
2) 確認繳交費用後即可報名:https://tinyurl.com/y4bzcjtb


教育/技能:認識自己、同理心、 烘培


Join us for a special session at Taoyua Muhsiang Children's Home as we invite Kid Shiu from Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBTQ+) Hotline Association to talk with our youth about gender diversity and acceptance! We will also have a small heart shaped thumbprint cookie making session to show that we are all different yet full of love.

Teacher: https://brightside.tw/helping-hands-kid-shiu/
Date/Time: 2020/10/25 (Sunday)
Location: Taoyuan MuHsiang Children's Home
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/XrT9wWi6pEjgtmiUA

How to Register:
This workshop only has 5 spaces allotted and requires a donation of 200NT to cover workshop fees and plant-based meals, if applicable.

1) Make donation here: https://bit.ly/3lIR8Oi
2) Sign up here after donation: https://tinyurl.com/y4bzcjtb

Workshop registration partially covered thanks to the No Meat Festival

Kids will learn
Education/Skills: Self-awareness, Empathy, basic baking skills
Interpersonal Skills: Social interaction, Teamwork, Appreciation & sharing
Social Awareness: Gender diversity

If you can't make it you are still welcome to donate to support this workshop and the children at http://brightside.tw/donate/