fbpx Pole Dance 鋼管舞課 | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋
主辦單位 : MOWES

Pole Dance 鋼管舞課

Event time: 
Sunday, December 6, 2020 - 12:30 to 14:00
Sunday, December 13, 2020 - 12:30 to 14:00
Event location address: 
Taipei City台北市大安區泰順街50巷28號

SIGN UP https://forms.gle/YHsxQ7LkYSStsAbj8

This is a safe environment and the workshop is for women-only.


Class fee 課程費用 $700

**All prices suggested donation. Please contact us if you are unable to pay the full amount
**金額僅供參考. 若無法全額支付請告知


Join us for two special pole dance workshops. Learn the basics of pole dance or build on what you know while getting sweaty (because it is a workout!), feeling sexy, and having fun all at the same time!
We will start with warming up our bodies with some conditioning, then move into an overview of basic pole dance moves, learn a fun routine, and finish off with a nice cool down.



Maria has been part of MOWES for years now and loves it. She has teaching experience in Kids Yoga, Aerial Yoga, and added pole dancing a couple years ago to build a stronger body and to love and accept her shape and form. Now, it’s part of her life and she loves how it empowers her and the people around her. She cannot wait to share it all with you!
