fbpx UPCYCLE JOURNAL SEWING 手做日記本工作坊 | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋
主辦單位 : MOWES


Event time: 
Saturday, March 20, 2021 - 12:00 to 13:30
Event location address: 
Taipei City大安區泰順街50巷28號

SIGN UP 請報名 https://forms.gle/ikQEm3Nvhkx7NkkX6

Class Fee 班費: $400
**All prices suggested donation. Please contact us if you are unable to pay the full amount
**金額僅供參考. 若無法全額支付請告知

Create your own journal from scratch! 從無到有,自己的日記本自己做

Not all journals are “one size fits all.” Learn to sew a unique french link, A6-sized, 96 page journal with custom paper and recycled materials for a journal that looks and feels just how you want it. These journals are perfect for kickstarting your own journaling or giving as a gift!


Before you come:
— Bring your own papers: flyers, torn book or magazine pages, posters, junk mail and envelopes all make great additions to you hand sewn books
— You will be sewing one A6 (or smaller) journal to keep
— Class fee includes paper, paints, sewing materials, markers, pens, stamps, wash tape etc.
— Wear clothes you can paint in, we will be using gouache.


Naomi Donabedian is a graphic designer and teacher who has been living in Taiwan for 8 years. She studied at Parsons School of Design and lived in NYC before trading the office grind for a better life in Taipei, Taiwan. Naomi loves hiking, cooking, and art-ing. You can check out past art classes on Taipei Art Journal: www.instagram.com/taipeiartjournal/ or her design work on www.naomid.net

Naomi Donabedian是平面設計師,也是
一個老師,在台灣已經住了八年。畢業於Parsons設計學院,住在紐約後拋下工作室來到台灣。Naomi喜歡爬山、烹飪還有藝術。www.instagram.com/taipeiartjournal/ 看看之前上課的作品,www.naomid.net