fbpx Su Misu「天上妖人間 : 我想你應該是忙累了」公車旅行 社交派對|影片放映 | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋

Su Misu「天上妖人間 : 我想你應該是忙累了」公車旅行 社交派對|影片放映

Event time: 
Saturday, July 18, 2020 - 13:00 to Saturday, August 8, 2020 - 18:00
Event location address: 
Chi-Wen Gallery
Taipei City士林區中山北路六段2巷32號

「天上妖人間 : 我想你應該是忙累了」公車旅行 社交派對
Su Misu 2020 參與式表演計畫
時間:7月18日 1:00pm-7:00pm

藝術家Su Misu 邀請觀眾參與最新作品「天上妖人間: 我想你應該是忙累了」公車旅行社交派對 (I am a fake but my heart is true, Part III),這場參與式表演計畫將在巡迴臺北市的公車上進行,將觀眾分為不同組別在公車上隨機發展出不同的故事,這是一項限地移動式的大型社會介入藝術實踐。每場演出長約150分鐘,需全程參與,演出對一般大眾開放,但請事先預約,(活動詳情請上Su Misu「天上妖人間」官方粉絲專頁查詢 https://www.facebook.com/yaoofficialtw/)

Chi-Wen Gallery 同時將於7月18日至8月8日放映參與本計畫主要演出表演者與參與製作創作者訪談紀錄片。

藝術家 Su Misu 1990年生於臺灣臺北,現居住、工作和創作於臺北。Su Misu 以多元性別、BDSM、LGBTQ+等議題的探索聞名,作品以攝影、錄像與行為表演為主要藝術形式語彙。

時間:7月18日 − 8月8日
地點:Chi-Wen Gallery

與談 (在地實驗ET@T - 在地聊計畫)
時間:7月30日 7:00pm-9:00pm
地點:VA Hub 虛擬藝術跨界實驗基地

* 因應新冠肺炎疫情,入場前將有工作人員協助量體溫及噴酒精,額溫超過 37.5 度者謝絕進場,敬請觀眾做好防護措施,自行配戴口罩前來參與活動,造成不便敬請見諒。

統籌單位|Chi-Wen Gallery
活動協力 | 願麗醫美診所、CYAN Hair House
媒體協力 | Lezs女人國


Su Misu “I am a fake but my heart is true, Part III”
Special Performances on Touring Bus with Audience Participation
18 July 2020, 1:00pm-7:00pm

Chi-Wen Gallery is pleased to present Su Misu’s new project “I am a fake but my heart is true, Part III”, a group performance with audience participation on a local bus driving through Taipei City. The duration of each performance is approximately 150 minutes. This event is open to the public, however RSVPs are kindly requested. (https://www.facebook.com/yaoofficialtw/)

As part of the event, videotaped documentary interviews with the actors who perform role-play on the bus will be on view at the gallery from 18 July to 8 August.

Born in 1990 in Taipei, Taiwanese photographer and performance artist Su Misu is known for her practice in exploration of gender, BDSM and LGBTQ+ topics. Coming from a medical background, she’s interested in “the synthetic”, “the unnatural”, and other embodiments, using photography, video and performance to discuss the struggle between what is real and what is illusory.

Film Screening Programme
Date: 18 July - 8 August
Location: Chi-Wen Gallery

Su Misu in conversation with Yi-Lin Wu
Date: 30 July 2020, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Location: VA Hub

* Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, all participants must take necessary sanitary precautions. Please wear masks, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers and have your body temperature taken at the entrance. We reserve the right to refuse those who have a body temperature over 37.5℃. Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated.