fbpx Women Beyond Borders Box Making 女性超越國界計畫--木盒子創作工作坊 | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋
主辦單位 : MOWES

Women Beyond Borders Box Making 女性超越國界計畫--木盒子創作工作坊

Event time: 
Monday, February 8, 2021 - 19:30 to 21:30
Event location address: 
Taipei City大安區泰順街50巷28號

Instructor speaks English and Chinese.
This event is for women only.
講英語和中文。 僅限女性。


MOWES is excited to collaborate with Red Room and Women Beyond Borders (WBB) for a cross-cultural exhibition to honor and document women’s voices and visions, to inspire creative expression, and to build community via dialogue and collaboration.

The Box
A small wooden box is selected as the point of departure. Participants will receive identical miniature, wooden boxes. You are invited to transform your boxes, which may include sculptural objects, text, painting, photography, new media, printing or any combination of the above. Your box can be extended up to 30 cm in all directions. Weight is limited to under 1kg. Fragile, broken, oversized, overweight boxes will not be accepted.

For this event, each person will receive one box. We will gather to share our stories, help each other with ideas on creative expression, and discuss how we can use our boxes to tell our own unique stories. Your final boxes will be shared as part of Red Room's International Women's Day celebration on Sunday, March 7, 2021. (more info: https://redroomtaipei.com/celebrating-women-in-taipei/)

Women Beyond Borders was founded by Lorraine Serena in 1991, who wanted to honour and document womens’ voices and visions, to encourage collaboration and dialogue, and to inspire creative expression. “The arts are a universal and essential language, allowing people to look beyond themselves and celebrate their humanity.”

This project challenges geographical, political, ethnic, religious, and aesthetic boundaries. Since its inception, Women Beyond Borders has acted as a catalyst for change and cultural exchange worldwide. Red Room is honored to be a part of this movement and we invite all women, of all nationalities living on our beautiful island of Taiwan, to join our Red Room WBB traveling exhibition.




這個工作坊裡我們會一起分享我們的故事,協助大家用創意的方式展現出自己的想法,並且一起討論我們要怎麼樣用自己的木盒子說我們自己獨特的故事。你的木盒子會跟著紅坊的台北慶祝女性嘉年華一起展出(2021/3/7禮拜天: https://redroomtaipei.com/celebrating-women-in-taipei/))


《女性超越國界計畫》由Lorraine Serena於1991年成立,期冀能彰顯與記錄下女性的聲音與視界,鼓勵彼此間合作與對話,並激勵各項創造性思考與表達。「藝術是一個宇宙通用且不可或缺的語言形式,讓人們得以超越自身思考人性,並讚頌人性的美妙。」

《女性超越國界計畫》不僅挑戰了地域、政治、道德、宗教及美感的界線;在啟動後,Women Beyond Borders也逐漸以一催化劑的角色在國際間造起改變的風潮,也導引著文化間相互交融、轉換。紅坊十分榮幸能夠參與這項運動,也希望妳能跟我們一起。在這美麗的台灣島嶼上生活的人們哪,不管妳從哪裡來,要往哪裡去,都歡迎加入我們紅坊WBB巡迴展覽一起尋找更多故事。

班費 Workshop fee: $600 NTD (covers box fee and supplies)
