fbpx 【格外農品】青皮椪柑果茶醬Green Ponkan Marmalade | Taiwan Queer Guide 台灣酷蓋

【格外農品】青皮椪柑果茶醬Green Ponkan Marmalade


宅配NT$ 100 /

兩件以上每件加收 NT$ 0

滿 NT$ 899 免運費





The ingredients of green ponkan jam include only ponkan, extra light sugar, lemon juice, and no added pectin. We select ponkans with uneven color and a little bruise on the skin but the quality remains the same.

The process is firstly smashing the ponkans, secondly picking out the seeds manually, then cooking the flesh , and adding some skin which has been sugared in order to enrich the flavor, the mouthfeel, and enhance the jelly feeling, and, moreover, little bitterness and essential oil odorant of oranges are preserved. The jam applies to making hot tea or using in fish dishes.





Net weight:280±9g

This product is vacuum packed. A jar of the unopened ponkan jam can be preserved for 12 months at room temperature. After opening it, please preserve it in a refrigerator and finish eating it as soon as possible.


背陽坡的綠寶石:《青皮椪柑果茶醬》榮獲英國2019 Great Taste Awards一星肯定

格外農品以善用產地的「格外品」為初衷,致力製作出風味醇厚好產品, 旗下產品青皮椪柑果茶醬於2019年8月獲得世界四大美食獎之英國2019 Great Taste Awards一星殊榮。

2019 Great Taste Awards比賽,由超過400位專業評審盲測評鑑,評審團組成包括星級主廚、餐廳老闆、食品製造商、食評家、美食記者與美食作家等。全球有超過12,772件食品參加,青皮椪柑果茶醬榮獲一星獎肯定參評產品獲得70分到80分,代表「美味」,僅38%的參賽作品獲得認證。

格外農品共同創辦人林雅文說,當初選用青皮椪柑,迥異於市場上一般果醬的口味,確實有點冒險,但青皮椪柑本身的香氣,非常濃郁,令我印象深刻!而2019 Great Taste Awards的一位評審給青皮椪柑的評語是這麼說的:「無論是酸甜帶點微苦的滋味,不同於一般的柑橘,果醬的滋味巧妙又平衡的在舌尖舞動,製作果醬的人對水果有滿滿的愛,這醇厚的質地和市售加膠的果醬很不同,值得細細品味!」得到專業評審的青睞與肯定,證明了好的食材一定不孤單!

格外農品選用的椪柑果樹栽種於,台南南寮大凍山的背陽坡,海拔300-400公尺間的山坡地,日夜溫差大, 終年氣候涼爽,種椪柑已長達四十年之久的侯春南大哥強調,我們當地農民堅持不使用制酸劑,讓椪柑在樹上自然成熟,並以益菌的方式改善土壤、防治病害,取得產銷履歷驗證。



The green ponkan are from Nanliao in Tainan. They are the earliest harvested oranges in Taiwan. Nanliao is situated on the downsun side of Mountain Dadong with an elevation of more than 300 meters. Because the temperature drops drastically at night since the start of fall and the farmer Mr. Chun-Nan Hou perseveres in not using antacids so that the ponkan have more time to ripen naturally. The green ponkan from Nanliao have moderate sourness, sweetness, and enriched flavors. Mr. Hou utilizes probiotics to improve the soil and prevent plant diseases, so he earned TAP (Traceability Agricultural Product) certification, and he plants the oranges with little pesticide used in an earth friendly manner.