溫暄文是名藝術家、設計師與企業家。出生於台灣,有著非常豐富的教育背景,在台灣/台灣大學與澳洲/新南威爾斯大學-完成理工與科技管理兩個碩士學位,因工作旅居南非十多年,認識多位南非藝術家,也重拾從小在台灣升學主義下被壓抑的藝術天份。回台灣後設立巧手本舖手作教學品牌,致力於袖珍軟陶藝術教學與推廣。2018年成立『 WENWENWORKS 溫 • 手作 』,將生活與美學結合,發揚 Functional Art 精神,選用對人體無毒安全的『純鈦』筷體,從健康環保為出發點,設計個人專屬隨身筷,其特殊的藝術感,結合手工 細膩的捏塑工法,每雙鈦璽筷都是一件藝術品。在落實藝術生活化的同時,為環保愛地球盡一份力,亦彰顯個人獨一無二的風格。
Sherry Wen is an artist from Taiwan,R.O.C. She works in pure titanium chopsticks、 Oven Bake Clays、Swarovski crystal & gold foil, using a technique called Millefiori where strips of different shapes and colours of Oven Bake Clay are shaped into canes. When the cane is cut it reveals the beautiful colours and patterns. These are then carefully shaped and squeezed into a graceful shape or applied and sculpted onto titanium chopsticks and many other items to form one of a kind works of art.